Annual Giving
We are humbled, and so very thankful, to have such loyal and dedicated supporters as part of our broader collective family.
Art and human expression is at the heart of our humanity, and dance specifically can not only fill us with joy but put us firmly in the present moment.
When dance permeates our lives, it fosters empathy, appreciation for diversity and truly bolsters our creative, emotional and physical health. With this power to have an enormous positive impact on society, we need likeminded visionaries like you. We can only continue to flourish and invigorate our audience, community and industry through the strength of our partnerships and the belief of our supporters. Your support creates impact – on both the landscape of dance and on the creative capability of future generations of movers and makers.
We have big dreams for 2024 and beyond, and your generous contribution will enable us to continue to create, empower and inspire… collectively.
ADC is a registered Australian charity – all gifts over $2 are tax deductible and enable the art that is to come.

Visionary $250,000 and over
Tim Fairfax AC and Gina Fairfax AC
Guardian $50,000 - $149,999
Philip Bacon AO
Champion $20,000 – $49,000
The L&R Foundation
Patricia MacDonald Memorial Foundation
Cass and Ian George
Innovator $5,000 - $19,999
Stack Family Foundation
Darren and Carmel Brown
Marian Gibney
Professor Heather Zwicker
Richard J Wood
The Knights Family Foundation
Tony Denholder and Scott Gibson
Rhyll Gardner and Rusty Graham
Paul Newman and Lucy Bretherton
Anne and Peter Allen
Viv Tolliday
Joseph and Veronika Butta
Enthusiast $1,000 - $4,999
Andrew Battersby
Alan Scott
Dare Power
Melissa Blight
Kim Parascos
Sophie Mitchell
Louise Cutler
Louise Hicks
Karen Mitchell
Margo Low
Nerida MacLean
Sandra McCullagh
Friend <$1000
Warwick Fisher
Libby Lincoln
Janelle Christofis
Elizabeth Morris
Gary Frontin
David Hardidge
Shannon Lord
Elizabeth Friend
Carmenza Cespedes
Ben O'Connor
Elizabeth Stafford
Darren Webb
Frances Mohr
Yanni Dubler
Kerri Deacon
Cath McMurchy
Elizabeth Lepua
Angela Roff
Natalie Scopelliti
Riannon Struthers
Sarah Kirkham
Sue Park
Jaime Redfern
Silby Consultancy
Edmund Garcia
Terry Forwood
Jule Englefield
Mary McIntyre
Fay Kairn
Ayame Ochi
Miriam McMahon
Rian Thompson
Jennifer Peatey
Jennifer K McFarlane
Sharyn Bloomer
Nishi Mohan Haranahalli
Sara Taghaode
Sasha Giffard-Huckstep
Elizabeth Cuffe
Mary Jessop
Adam Sleeman
Katie Szabo
Kay Uru-Te-Angina Woon
Visionary benefactors whose regular, lifetime giving exceeds $5,000
$500,000 +
Tim Fairfax AC and Gina Fairfax AC
$100,000 - $499,999
Philip Bacon AO
$50,000 - $99,999
Patricia MacDonald Foundation
Marian Gibney
The L&R Foundation
Stack Family Foundation
Rhyll Gardner and Rusty Graham
$20,000 - $49,000
Tony Denholder and Scott Gibson
Trevor and Judith St Baker Family Foundation
Richard J Wood
Paul Newman and Lucy Bretherton
Margo Low
Andrew Battersby
Cass and Ian George
Joseph and Veronika Butta
$10,000 - $19,999
Dare Power
Darren and Carmel Brown
Professor Heather Zwicker
Anne and Peter Allen
Morgans Foundation
The Knights Family Foundation
Sophie Mitchell
$5,000 - $9,999
Melissa Blight
Brett and Maria Clark
Kim Parascos
Karen Mitchell
Viv Tolliday